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Some key figures of our facilities
A container terminal
Performs handling rates of around 60 movements per hour per gantry
A fruit terminal
Processes an average of 250,000 tonnes of fruit per year
A fishing terminal
Process more than 600 thousand tonnes of seafood, including nearly 250,000 tonnes of tuna per year.
A terminal dedicated to sachery and conventional
The Port of Abidjan has bagging machines for flour, fertilizer and rice. The rate is 2000 to 5000 tonnes per day
A ro-ro terminal
As part of the rational management of the quays and with a view to enabling port operators to deal efficiently with certain types of traffic, notably the vehicles, the Port of Abidjan has a ro-ro terminal.
An oil terminal
Having a station on buoy at sea which can accommodate ships of more than 250,000 tonnes without limitation of draft, two stations for the loading and unloading of petroleum products connected to the installations of the Ivorian Company of Refining by pipeline and of five wharves.
A ship repair terminal
Having several workshops that can repair any type of ship.
A grain terminal
Treats between 200,000 and 300,000 tonnes of wheat per year with an operating rate of nearly 3,000 tonnes per day.
A mineral terminal
Process 15,000 tonnes of minerals per day