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Word from the General Manager

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2018, a good vintage for the PAA

The Port of Abidjan got off to a good start in 2018 with the commissioning of a new ro-ro wharf in the first quarter. Will follow in the coming months the reception at the Port of Abidjan of the very first nickel ship in Africa, the « Luzern » flying the Swiss flag, the signing of the concession agreement for the Mineral Terminal between the Autonomous Port of Abidjan and the Belgian company SEA-INVEST,  the signing of a loan agreement with the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the launch of a tender for the construction of the future grain terminal, the reception of two mobile fleet cranes by the port terminal operator, SEA-INVEST in order to optimize the handling rates at the ore terminal, the signing of an agreement between the PAA and the Compagnie Fruitière as part of the modernization from the fruit terminal of the Port of Abidjan.

The second reason for satisfaction is the completion of the major project to widen and deepen the Vridi Canal, henceforth allowing ships to be accommodated in the port of Abidjan without limitation in length and carrying up to 10,000 containers. . The work will be delivered and inaugurated in the first quarter of 2019.

Construction work on TC2 is progressing very well and the infrastructure will be made available to the concessionaire in 2019, with a view to equipping it for an operational start scheduled for 2020. It will significantly increase capacity handling at 3 million TEU.

With the delivery of these infrastructures, the port of Abidjan confirms its return to the concert of modern ports and confirms its position as a reference port hub on the Atlantic coast of Africa.

In addition, the creation of land by backfilling the bay of Vridi-Biétry enabled us to gain 40 ha of land with a view to improving the supply of storage and establishment of new industries. The servicing works are in progress. However, a space of 2 hectares has already been set up there for truck parking.

As for the deepening of platforms 11, 12 and 13 , the work is 80% completed . The dredging phase is completed.

The other element that shows the improvement in the port of Abidjan is the maritime traffic. Indeed, 2018 traffic recorded a growth of 7.2% compared to the previous year, to settle at 24,177,261 tonnes of goods. This tonnage also consolidates the position of the port of Abidjan as a leading port on the West African coast, in terms of freight traffic volumes. This growth is driven by :

  • national general cargo traffic, which totaled 14 403 959 tonnes, up by 11.3% ;
  • national traffic in fishery products with traffic of 632 564  tonnes, up by 7.2% ;
  • the resumed growth of petroleum products, with a tonnage 6 926 324  tonnes, up by 19,4 %.

These vigorous progress clearly indicate the vitality of the Ivorian economy.

Container traffic also increased, recording growth of 1.7% , or 674,624 TEU.

On the other hand, traffic in transit, like that in transhipment, respectively posted a decline of -19% going from 2,026,220 tonnes in 2017 to 1,641,901 tonnes in 2018 and -12.8% or 20,814 TEU in 2017 compared to 18,145 TEU in 2018. This decrease is linked to the application of new administrative measures for the first and to the major works that are currently taking place in the port for the second.

In addition to these encouraging statistics, the PAA's commitment to a Quality and Environment approach has also been strengthened by obtaining certification in the 2015 version of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards, making the port of Abidjan the 1 er African port to receive this distinction.

Regarding safety and security, the Port of Abidjan has been certified for several years to international standards of the ISPS code.

Safety and security have been significantly improved thanks to the significant investments made since 2013 by Port Security. This involves the installation of a video surveillance system, the acquisition of rolling and navigating equipment for the surveillance of the port area, the training of security agents, the acquisition from the 1st er January 2014 of two (02) Fourgons Pompe Tonne (FPT) and the construction of a fire station commissioned in August 2018.

Added to security, we can note the degraded traffic lanes in places that have been quickly rehabilitated to allow more fluidity.

In the context of corporate governance, 2018 was also marked by the company's good financial performance. Indeed, the PAA by the will of its managers, has been monitored since 2014 by the Pan-African financial rating agency Bloomfield Investment Corporation. In 2018, it awarded the AAP, for the 2nd th year in a row, the A + grade; with stable outlook.

The turnover growth is 2% compared to 2017.

In view of all these achievements, I would like to pay tribute and thank very much all the actors of the Abidjan port area whose commitment and mobilization as well as the permanent support of the State have enabled the Port of Abidjan to continue its growth.

We see it as an encouragement to go beyond what has been accomplished with the need to continue improving the operating conditions of the port in order to guarantee our customers quality service of the size of the will. Ivorian authorities to build a prosperous and modern nation.

 I cannot ignore the contribution of all the members of the Board of Directors who have spared no effort to achieve such results. 

The year 2019 will be mainly devoted to the continuation of the major development projects of the Port of Abidjan, with in particular the Inauguration of the enlarged and deepened Vridi Canal, the Inauguration of the RO-RO quay, but also the delivery of the quays 11, 12 and 13 and the launch of construction works for the Mineral and Cereal Terminals.

The realization of all these projects requires the mobilization of all the stakeholders of the Port of Abidjan because it is all together that we will succeed.

I hope you enjoy reading this activity report.