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Partnerships And Cooperation Agreements

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Cooperation Agreements

The following agreements were signed at the following dates and places :


Abidjan Port Authority/ Cameroun Ports Authority, agreement signed September 12, 1990 in Douala ;

Abidjan Port Authority/ Nouakchott Port Authority (Mauritania), agreement signed on December 20, 1991 in Abidjan ;

Abidjan Port Authority/ Bordeaux Port Authority (France), agreement signed on 19 May 1993 in Abidjan ;

Abidjan Port Authority/Port Authority of Marseilles (France), agreement signed on January 22, 1996 in Abidjan, then renewed on May 30, 2002;

Port authority of Abidjan/Port of Amsterdam (Holland), agreement signed the March 18, 1996 in Abidjan ;

Abidjan Port Authority/ California Port Authority (California, USA), signed agreement on 14 November 1998 in San Francisco (USA) ;

Abidjan Port Authority/ Houston Port Authority (USA), signed agreement on 14 November 1999 in Abidjan.



Abidjan Port Authority/Port de Bilbao (Espagne), agreement signed on 28 April 2004 in Bilbao

Port authority of Abidjan/Port of Vigo (Spain), agreement signed it April 29, 2004 in Vigo ;


Abidjan Port Authority/Port de Tarragone (Espagne), agreement signed on 30 Avril 2004 of Tarragone ;

Abidjan Port Authority/ Las-Palmas Port Authority (Canary Islands), agreement signed on October 29, 2004 in Las-Palmas ;

Abidjan Port Authority/ Guadeloupe Port Authority (French Islands) agreement signed on 3rd June 2005 in Pointe-Noire ;

Abidjan Port Authority/Morocco Port Authority (ODEP, Maroc) agreement signed in March 2006 in Casablanca (Maroc).



Old agreements

So far, the various inter-harbour committees which should be set up to ensure the contents of the old agreements were unfortunately not installed. This means that the assigned objectives could not be achieved.

Recent agreements

Of all the inter-harbour committees which should be installed within the framework of the agreements and recent protocols, only the Las-Palmas (Canary Islands) committee signed with the Abidjan Port Authority could be officially set up in Abidjan in December 2004 ; however it did not function because of the lack of interest expressed at the last time by the Spanish Port.


Particularly the Spanish ports with which the Port of Abidjan has signed four agreements and protocols of cooperation in the same year 2004, reminders

were sent by mail during the year 2005 to the ports concerned with the hope of installing interport committees tasked with ensuring the implementation of the content

of the agreements and protocols. Unfortunately, so far, no positive action has followed. As for other international cooperation agreements, their reactivation will be done by

of the Port of Abidjan, we plan to sign if possible new cooperation agreements with Asian ports (Shanghai and Hong Kong) which are undoubtedly booming.


Subregional And International Port Cooperation

The Port of Abidjan, in its permanent quest to maintain its large hub status on the one hand and on the other hand, to be always on the cutting edge of Port and maritime evolution, maintains cooperative relations with Port associations of which it is a member and to which it pays regular annual dues, that are now calculated on the basis of the annual tonnage achieved. These Port associations can be classified in three large groups: Sub regional, regional and international associations.


For Subregional Port Associations

Only one association is of interest to us: the Port Management Association of West and Central Africa (PMAWCA). PMAWCA was created in 1982 through the common will of the ports of West and Central Africa to federate all their synergies and to speak with one voice in the sub region. It is headquartered in Lagos (Nigeria), the Chairman is the Managing Director of the Port of Abidjan. The current secretary general is Michel Luguge (GHANA) who was elected for a four years mandate following the 31ème Annual Board held in Abidjan of the 21 of April 25, 2008. The Abidjan Port Authority is a full member and a member of the management committee of the PMAWCA.


Under The Subregional Port Associations

The Abidjan Port Authority, in its position as a member of the PMACWA, is a de facto member of the Panafrican Port Co-operation (PAPC), which is the Pan African organization which coordinates the activities of the three sub regional Port entities which are PMACWA, PMAESA and NAUPA. The APCP went public for the first time in 2001 in Abidjan during the fiftieth anniversary of the PAA. It is chaired taken by rotation by three subregional associations.


as far as international associations are concerned--hh

The Abidjan Port Authority is a full member of the following three associations:

International Association of Cities and Ports (IACP) created in 1988 in le Havre -France ;

International Association for the Handling and Transport of goods (ICHCA International section Africa Canaries Islands).

International Association of Ports and Harbours (IAPH) created in 1955 in Los Angeles and whose secretariat is in Japan.


cooperation with national institutions

Pending the signing of the memorandum of cooperation, the Abidjan Port Authority maintains

relations with the following institutions :

  • The Europe Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs ;>
  • The Asia - Middle East Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • The Africa Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • The American Chamber of Commerce (CCL)