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Roro terminal

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A Roro Terminal Comprising :

  • 8,1 ha area ;;
  • 500 meters quay ;;
  • One warehouse fully dedicated to new vehicles;;
  • Two warehouses and open storage dedicated to general cargo;;
  • And several handling equipment.

Services Provided By The Roro Terminal

TERRA is a limited liability company which was established within the framework of the operating agreement signed on 19 December 2008 with Abidjan Port Authority; the company deals with handling and operations related to RORO vessels on a sole location in the Abidjan Port..

Assured of the support of its shareholders, the company is equipped with modern equipment and relies on qualified personnel to be able to ensure services in accordance to the needs and expectations of customers and other stakeholders.

Activities Of Company

·Handling of RORO vessels

  • Unloading and loading of general cargo, rolling stocks and containers including shiftings, transhipments and container transfers;;
  • Computerized processing in real time of the overall documentary circuit of stevedoring operations and reporting of activities.

  Warehousing of goods and vehicle

Reception, control, storage and surveillance and delivery of cargo on the import, in transhipment and on export.

Computerized processing in real time of documentary circuit of the overall landing operations of the terminal and reporting of activities.

Quality of services provided in the terminal and the level of prevailing safety as regards facilities won the port the ISO 9001/2008 certification and compliance of its facilities with ISPS code.

 In order to carry through its activities, the terminal is equipped with: :

  • 37 500 m² of park for cars ;
  • 19 500 m² warehouses 
  • 3 challengers ;
  • 12 elevators ;
  • 18 terminal/road tractors
Nb Nb Nb Nb
GRIMALDI 14 269 31 546 612 15 458
AL HURREYA2 61 5 0 21 87
DELMAS 5900059
GLOVIS 1732 0 97 55 1884
K.LINE 254 000254
MARITIME UNT. OP. 69 0 0 36 105
MESSINA 198 17 6 7 228
MOL 781 0 24 0 805
MINUSMA 669 0 0 0 669
RMR 1218 0 0 3 1221
SCAN GLOBAL108 147 0 0 255
TOTAL 19 418200 673 734 21 025

Manager Company

Côte d’Ivoire
BP V85 Abidjan Côte d'Ivoire
+225 21 21 23 80 80
+225 21 21 23 80 00

Société d'Etat au capital de
100 000 000 000 FCFA
Régistre de commerce N°182461