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In the last decades, the international maritime and port industry underwent extensive changes, namely the liberalization of maritime transport, the globalization of trade and exacerbation of inter port competition. Faced with these trends which dictate a global, integrated and proactive approach in the search for solution to expectations of maritime operators and particularly the ship owners, it became indispensable for ports to create a consultation and exchange framework so as to be able to federate the overall major stakeholders whether public or private in the maritime and port industry. Thus the concept of “port place” appears worldwide. In the Abidjan port, the “Abidjan port place “comprises the Port Authority, port and maritime operators public and parapublic administrations (Customs Ministry of Foreign Trade, Ministry of security , Ministry of Agriculture etc…) and other professional organizations operating in the maritime and port sector and also representatives of shippers from landlocked countries etc. The management , coordination and harmonization of the activities of the members of the “the Abidjan Port Place” are insured by “the Abidjan Port Community “ (CPA).


Established on 4th December 1995, the Abidjan Port community is made up regular members and associate members.


  • Abidjan Port Authority ;
  • Customs Administration;
  • Members unions of the Ivorian Maritime Federation (FEDERMAR) which includes SEMPA ,SYNDINAVI;
  • The Union of Freight Forwarders of Cote d’Ivoire
  • Pineapple and banana producers- exporters organization (OCAB) ;
  • Cote d’Ivoire’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry ( CCI) ;
  • Cote d’Ivoire’s Union of Freight Forwarders (SYNATRANS-CI) ;
  • Malian warehouses in Cote d’Ivoire (EMACI) ;
  • Burkinabe shipper’s council in Cote d’Ivoire (CBC) ;
  • Ivorian Shipper’s Council (OIC).


The associate members are public services other than Customs Administration, consular chambers , small and medium sized maritime and ports firms, the association of shipping companies professional organizations, financial institutions ( banks and insurance companies) road transport companies which by nature of their activities have an impact on the Abidjan port ‘s competitiveness and the transit through the Ivorian territory.

  • These are :
  • The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Cote d’Ivoire ;
  • The Division of External Trade ;
  • Small and medium sized freight forwarding, stevedoring, consignment companies ;
  • Association of shipowners , maritime ship chandlers ;
  • Representation of the Chamber of Commerce Industry and craft of Burkina in Cote d’Ivoire ( CCIAB), SITARAIL ( railways company) ;
  • Commodities haulers and the union of drivers ;
  • Maritime experts ;
  • L’APBEF ( banks );
  • L’ASACI ( Insurance Companies);
  • Etc.


The Abidjan port community is assigned the mission of federating as an association, the overall users and operators of the Abidjan port place around several objectives which once fulfilled would enable on one hand to increase the competitiveness of the Abidjan port place and on other hand to make the Abidjan port the biggest industrial trading and transit port of the sub region through the continuous improvement of its performances.

The main objective of the Abidjan port community are as follows :
- Promote meetings and exchange among its members ;
- contribute through coordination, harmonization of the activities of its members to achieve a more streamlined and modern port system;
- Carry out marketing activities ;
- aimed at increasing the port’s competitiveness