Société d'Etat au capital de
100 000 000 000 FCFA
Régistre de commerce N°182461
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Back to topMineral terminal
mineral terminal processing 15,000 tonnes of ore per day with the following infrastructure and equipment:
- 330 m platform;;
- 9.8 m & nbsp; Draft;
- 16,000 m² of landings;
- 15,000 m² of shed;
- 1 rail connection;
- 3 Gottwald cranes with a lifting capacity of 35 tones;
- 2 hoppers & nbsp; dusted on rails;
- 4 Hoppers & nbsp; Castel;
- 6 CAT 950/980;
- 1 Encamionneuse
- Conveyor belts
Manager Company

Côte d’Ivoire
BP V85 Abidjan Côte d'Ivoire
+225 21 21 23 80 80
+225 21 21 23 80 00