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On Tuesday 28 February 2023, Mr Bamoussa OUATTARA, Director of The Fishing Terminal held a conference in the pavilion dedicated to Côte d’Ivoire on the occasion of the 59th edition of the Paris International Agricultural Show (SIA).
The speaker developed the theme ‘‘Business Opportunities in the Fishing Industry in Côte d’Ivoire’’ and took the opportunity to present the assests and achievements of Abidjan port first Tuna port in Sub-Saharian Africa .
The event that was attended by many people and also by Mr Kobenan Kouassi ADJOUMANI, Minister of State, in charge of Agriculture and Rural Development and Mr Sidy TOURE, Minister of Animal and Fishing Resources The conference also had the presence of Mr Olivier LE NEZET, Chairman of the National Committee of Sea Fishing and Sea Farming of France along with several players of the fishing industry as well as the French pavilion.
In front of the invited guests, Mr Bamoussa OUATTARA first of all thanked, on behalf of Mr Hien Yacouba SIE, Managing Director of Abidjan Port Authority the organizers of this show for the opportunity given to make Abidjan better known.
Thereafter, He made a presentation of the historical evolution of the Port before underlining the problems which led the Top Management to initiate since 2011, with the support of His Excellency Alassane OUATTARA, President of the Republic of Côte D’Ivoire, an ambitious program for the upgrading of the existing facilities and the development of new infrastructure.
This large scale program enabled the upgrading of the Fishing Terminal with the construction of a mole capable of accommodating the biggest fishing boats which sail along the Gulf of Guinea. The development of
40 ha of refilled additional lands, the construction of a RO-RO Terminal ;the widening and deepening of the Vridi Canal’s entrance coupled with the construction of a second Container Terminal (inaugurated in December 2022 ) to allow the calling of the largest Container ships so as to double the handling capacity of containers to reach 2,5million TEUs; and finally the construction of a Grain Terminal, a sub-regional Hub which will be put into operation in march 2023.
Mr Bamoussa OUATTARA stated that ‘’These investments amounting to over 1000 billion CFAF enabled to increase the competitiveness of our port and create a lasting position as a Hub Port on the Atlantic Coast of Africa. Thanks to these investments, Abidjan Port provides favourable conditions to attract economic operators”.
Coming to the matter in hand, he indicated that the Fishing Terminal stretches over an area of 223707 square meters of open storage in the bonded area and 82543 square meters for the storage in the non-bonded area. The Fishing Terminal is divided into two areas including an area of industrial fishing reserved for the foreign fleet and an area of fresh fishing.
The terminal of 17000 square meters dedicated to the repair and storage of fishing nets
It is quite an asset of competitiveness which guides many vessels to Abidjan Port.
Over 994 000 tons of sea products including 350 000 tons of tuna have been handled along 1443 meter-long quay.
At the end of the presentation by the speaker, Mr Olivier LE NEZT made the following statement ‘‘Abidjan Port is a Major International Port. Therefore, it is important that the port be connected to Europe. We are making every endeavour to establish very shortly a partnership between Abidjan Port and our European Ports with the aim of sharing experiences and boosting trade between our countries, even our continents’’
Let us recall that Abidjan Port is the first tuna canning producer in Africa with two large canning units which produce and export about 60 000 tin cans on the European market and provide jobs fore more than 3000 people, mostly women workers.